Saturday, September 17, 2011

Painting #236 - Sept 17, not much of a day for painting

Should have gotten right at it this morning when I got up, but I didn't, I played on the computer, and knitted, but I did ride the stationary bicycle today, I'm going to try to ride it every day, if I can make myself, I will try. I want to start walking again, and I did really well there a year and a half ago, but it takes so long, I can't do it everyday, but I might be able to do it 3 times a week, at least, we'll see.

I didn't leave myself much time to paint again, so after supper I got the paints out and started this one, I do have a couple that I could work on, but, I haven't been enthusiastic about painting on those, I do have to want to paint the subject in order to pull it off, I chose this photo today, I've painted it a couple of times and I sold one, the other one isn't quite as good as I'd like but it's ok, this one went quickly, I didn't take a lot of time with the detail, since it's small, that works. These small paintings go quickly and some days that's all I have to give, today was one, it would be good to paint something a little more interesting, but, there you go, I've painted most of the ones that I really like, I will have to go through my photo's again and see what I can come up with that stimulates my creativity a bit more, one thing though, I'm thinking I need to be supervised, I need someone to paint with, I really can get into that then, I may call my friend in Indiana and see what she's doing this next week and see if I can schedule a day to paint, I won't say that it always works, but most of the time it does, I'll call her soon and see if she can, if not, I need to concentrate on getting some entries ready for a couple shows that are coming up, that means I really need to get focused on my art, I have some very large paintings in progress, maybe I'll see if I can spare a few hours to work on those, again, we'll see.

This paintings was started my regular way, the sky first, this time I grayed down the blue a bit and added some white for the clouds, then i put in the distant tree line, and the middle ground tree line, I saved the trees on the right side for about last, although I did do the foreground a bit first, I like the simplicity of this painting and I hope you do too.

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