Sunday, September 18, 2011

Painting #237 - Sept 18 - Late again

Sometimes these Sunday paintings get painted in rather a hurry, but, at least it gets painted, I was bad today, didn't diet and didn't exercise, but I did paint. I'm planning on a new plan of action tomorrow morning, maybe this will work (maybe not, who knows), I'm going to trick myself into getting into the studio and painting early, I think this will work, and if it does, you will be the first to know, I'm just going to tell myself that I can paint for just one hour and then do what ever I want, I'm thinking that I will get in the studio and won't be able to get out in an hour, because, I really want to be there and I really don't know what the stigma is that keeps me from going there every day, as soon as I get up, I just don't understand psyche, I think I just keep telling myself it's too hard and that it's too complicated, well, that's not true at all, look at all the paintings that I did and I did them in one day, I'll bet that I can work in that studio and produce a much larger painting than I've been doing by just making myself do it first thing, plus I would be using brain power and that really uses up calories, that should help me with the weight loss thing, so, tomorrow I'm going to make the coffee, and put it in my thermos and ride the bike for 15 min and then head to the studio, we'll see how that works.

This painting was started in August in a Tuesday class, I didn't get it done and part of the reason is it's so monochromatic, I don't think this color combination is it for me, and the other thing is that it's a bit complicated, well, I decided to just bite the bullet and finish it today. I really can't tell you much of what I did, I laid in the milkweed pods and the stems, then laid in the background around, then I went in with some middle tone orange and some middle tone blue to create the shadows, then I went for the Jaune Brilliant #1 and put in some highlights, then finished it off with some white highlights, that's about it, I like this little painting and I hope you do too.

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