Saturday, September 10, 2011

Painting # 229 - Sept 10 - Didn't look like a good day for a Festival at first

It was raining pretty good when I was loading the stuff in my car this morning, but, by the time we got there (after we stopped at the Goodie Shoppe for breakfast, I really wasn't planning on doing that), it had cleared up, it was cloudy off and on all day, but it didn't get too bad until about 4:00, it started to rain, I sure am getting tired of the rain on my art fair operations, we just moved the stuff under the tent, but, when the rain was dripping off the tent onto the back of the paintings, we decided that it was time to wrap it up, so, it was 45 min. early (it was stated on the application that we were not to tear down until 5:00), we just had to, to save the art work, if they don't like it, I guess they just won't invite me back again, even though I wasn't the first one to wrap it up. It wasn't a really big show, but I did make more on this one than I did on the White Pigeon one, so it wasn't too bad, sold more than the booth fee, so it's all good, plus, I got my painting done for the day, I had a lot of lookers, especially the kids, they were amazed that I could paint like that.

So, all in all it was a good day.

My painting for today (as I told you yesterday), was another of those Alaska photo's, given to me by my student, for my reference material. I was short of time yesterday, or I might have done this one yesterday, so today I had all afternoon to work it up, I even got another one started, but I'm very tired now, and I will have to work on it tomorrow. I may, or may not, do another one besides that one, since I did take a couple of reference photo's (it's petunia's).

Today, my subject is a waterfall, my reference photo was fabulous, all except for the fact that a very large rock outcropping, didn't show how the falls looked as they cascaded, so, i eliminated it, and added a much smaller one, right in the middle of the falls, they had a tendency, in the photo, to look all one level and so I took artistic licence to change it for a better composition. I started with the sky, I did it the same way as yesterday, sky blue and then charged in with the white for the cloud shapes. Then the trees over lapping the sky and then the rock shapes and finally the water. I think you know the drill by now, I then went in with some darker stuff and made the trees more detailed, I don't know if you can tell it, but the trees in the photo had a red/violet tinge to them, so I put some of that in, then I go back into the trees and add lighter greens on top of the dark, it's all in the layers. Once the trees looked good, then I started on the rocks, they also get layers, mid tone, then darker, then lighter, and this one has another layer of blue, these rocks were purple and blue so I did it the way the photo looked, well, as close as I could get, at any rate. The water was last, but, since it's basically white, I just used a little bit of a cooler color to indicate some movement, I like this little painting, and I hope you do too.

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