Monday, August 29, 2011

Painting #217 - Aug 29 - Some days, I just don't know what happens to the day!

Today just evaporated, it was 9:00 p.m. before I knew it, I was busy, but not terribly busy, my neighbor came by a couple times, I did knit a little, I watched a movie, and other than that, I just can't remember what else I did that was so important that I couldn't get to the painting before 9:30, so, as a result, I chose a photo that my friend Carol gave me, of course most of you will know this is Niagra Falls, I haven't been here since I was 18, but she took these photo's a few years ago, this is the first one that I used, she was so kind to share with me. I really didn't think I would ever do the Niagra Falls, they just didn't inspire me, that is until tonight, I felt that I could paint this and do it justice.

I wet the Aquabord all over, then while it was damp, I floated in the blue for the sky and then some pink for the horizon. While it was still wet, I put in the tree line on the far bank, I just let the edges of the trees fade away to indicate the mist, when I got the rest of the darker colors in, I then went in with some white to highlight the mist, especially on the falls and near the foreground rocks, since this is such a famous falls, I decided to put in the power plant across the water on the Canadian side (at least I think it's the Canadian side, I'm not sure now). I reinforced the darks and finished this up in about an hour, I really like this little painting, and I hope you do too.

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