Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Painting #197 - Aug 9 - A pretty abstract day

Well, the order for the day, abstraction, class today was really quite interesting. My friend Sue decided to bring the painting her husband bought her for Christmas, in today, of course, he bought it from me. In my estimation, it is an unusual piece, it's abstract, not my usual style, I've done a couple abstract pieces here on the blog site, but they were just for fun, I don't feel it's my strong suit, but that's not to say it couldn't progress, I do want to grow in that area, and the only way to do that is to do abstracts.

So, today's piece is an abstraction, I'm not sure what she meant me to do, but, I decided to do a still life, the fruit I've been doing seemed to call my name, so that was my choice, it's the cherries, this isn't a composition you've seen, I did set this one up when I was taking photo's of the Queen Anne Cherries a week or so ago, I put the cherries in the wine glass, like I did the dark sweet cherries, but I wasn't happy just doing the same set-up so I added a few things, here are the cherries in the wine glass and along with it are a cream pitcher (that round blob in the middle), and a sugar dispenser, the background is just invented as I was painting along, I really got into this, and it went really well, I managed to get it done in class, which is about 2 hours, since I gave a little talk (explaining what I was trying to do as I drew it on the board), I then sketched out my design on the 8" x 10" Ampersand Aquabord, I tried to help them understand the concept of abstract and the difference between an abstraction of reality (my personal favorite), and non-objective (the kind that has no reality). I'm thinking I should do more of these, since this one went so well, I really like this painting and I hope you do to.

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