Friday, August 5, 2011

Painting #193 - Aug 5 - would have liked to have gotten more done

Well, don't we always think we should get more done? Well, that's been the way of my life, I always think I could get more done than I manage, that's part of the reason I'm doing this blog, I don't know what happens to the day if I'm left to my own devices. I mean that it takes me most of the morning just to get moving, and once it's past noon, the day just evaporates. I wanted to get some mats cut, and some of these paintings matted, I'm getting quite a bunch that need it. I'll use any excuse I can, my grandsons were here today, I had to run the checkbook over to my husband, I am struggling with the internet connection (had to deal with that again today), so you see, I can just find all kinds of excuses, that's why I put this blog into action, I need to paint everyday, and I do believe that I'm getting better, today's painting is from some pictures I took at the Coldwater Waterworks park a few years ago, I came across it this afternoon when I was scoping out pictures to paint. I know, it's only 4" x 4", but, I think this painting is just the right size, in the photo, the light was so bright that you can't see much detail in the feathers, so, I don't believe it would have been such a successful painting if it had been larger, but I do believe that it works, and it didn't take all that long either, and that is the other thing I'm trying to do, get much faster at this painting thing, of course, those larger paintings will take longer to paint.

I did sketch this one a bit, just a simple line where the swan is, then I jumped in with the shadows to find the swan's neck and head, then, I painted the lighter blue green water and finally they dark water, I fine tuned the swan by putting the wing shadows and the shadow close to the water in, I softened the edges and Ta Da! I like this little painting and I hope you like it too.

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