Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Painting #198 - Aug 10 - Another class project

Well, here I go again, another project that is just a bit above their head, I thought it would be a good exercise for white, I forgot that there would be a lot of negative painting, opps again! We are going to try a still life next time, maybe that will be a little better, I can do that! I just forgot that those petals in the middle might be too hard to figure out, well, we'll try something else, maybe they'd like the swan, that was white, we'll see.

Well, I had them start with the yellowish color in the middle and alternating with a cobalt blue for the petal shadows, then I went back into the yellow with a bit darker color to make it stand out better, I just mixed some of the cobalt blue in to make a grayed down yellow for the shadows under the ball head, and I just darkened it a bit more for some definition of the petals, the lower petals were painted in with a light pink, then to make the shadows I made it a darker pink with some cobalt added, and finally, almost straight cobalt blue. I mixed sap green with some black for the background green, I painted around the bud in the foreground and the stem, and I put one positive leaf shape in by painting it negatively, the background wasn't dark enough for me, so, I got into a new color I acquired, a ShinHan Hybrid watercolor called Shadow green, wow, is that dark green! I like this little painting and I hope you do too.

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