Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Painting #191 - Aug 3 - the days need to be 3 or 4 hours longer

I just can't get everything done in 24 hours, sleep, clean, eat, paint, visit family, boy, the last few weeks I've been running on short sleep again, the paintings are getting done, but I'm staying up way too long, hope this settles down soon. My dear friend Susan and I decided to go to Life Drawing in Battle Creek tonight, I did paint early, but not early enough to get the painting done, so, I came home at 10:00 and finished it (well, after I ate a bit salad and mac and cheese, had to re-fuel, I'm going to make this rather short.

I noticed in the painting that the cup seems misshapen, well, it's not, there is a light edge up there that doesn't show up very well, I may have to do something a bit darker behind to let that show up, right now, I'm just going to do the blog and get to bed.

I decided to paint this painting with coffee and beans, I put it on 12" x 12" watercolor canvase, but I'm thinking it might have been better on a smaller size, I don't have time to mess with it now so I'm letting it stand. I do like it, it just seems like a lot of cloth and not enough cup and stuff, maybe I'll add something else in the background behind the cup so the cup rim stands out, we'll see, right now it's time for me to get some sleep, I can evaluate it much better in the morning, if I change it, I'll re-post another picture of this to let you see what transpired, for now, I like this painting and I hope you do too.

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