Friday, January 13, 2012

Painting #354 - Jan 13 - Kind of stuck in the house today

We got snow, and the forecast was a winter storm watch, so, since it could get crappy out, I was unable to go to my friend's house today, we usually get together, any where from 2 to 4 times a year. I used to live in Ft. Wayne and she also lived there, obviously, that's where we met, she was my china painting teacher over 32 years ago, I moved to Michigan, and she moved to another city in Indiana, we've been best friends since we met, and distance didn't change that, it's unfortunate that we don't get to spend more time together, but we manage. In the mean time, I also have lots of best friends here to help fill the void, I do appreciate all my friends, I feel totally blessed.

I should have used that time that I would have been painting at my friends to paint here, but, alas, I'm bad, the knitting still has me, I didn't start the painting until 9:00 p.m., and then I decided to use the acrylics, I salvaged an 8" x 10" claybord that my friend Sue tried to destroy, just kidding Sue, since it was slightly damaged, I decided to paint on it with the acrylics, I figured it wouldn't be as noticeable with the acrylics, this photo of the painting looks a bit lighter on the left side, the light was shining on it and you know how acrylics are, anyway, the 8" x 10" one was coming along nicely, but as I started late, I know I couldn't finish it, so I switched to a 4" x 4" claybord, still with the acrylics though, I picked this farm scene instead of the mill I was painting, so, this is the painting for today, another barn painting, can't have too many of those, huh? I think since it's late that I will cut this a bit short, the acrylics are a basic thin wash to start, then layers on top of each other, until it suits me, I like this little painting and I hope you do too.

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