Sunday, January 8, 2012

Painting #349 - Jan 8 - An inspired day

Today started out very busy, family coming for dinner, I didn't manage to get the dinner rolls made until this morning, well, I should have made them yesterday, I really got behind the eight ball with that one, the dinner didn't get eaten until well after 2:00 p.m., I usually try to get the dinner done by 1:00 but really was late today, plus, I must be getting senile, I forgot to put the eggs in the brownies, boy, do they get ugly when they don't have eggs, I'm hoping to never do that again, I can only claim exhaustion from lack of sleep, lol.

I went to Michael's the other day, when I was there I purchased some cradled MDF, so I decided to get the acrylics out. My first inclination was to paint a very loose woman in a red dress, but when I was sketching the woman, I kind of put it too far to the left, so, I decided to put another figure in, well, they started to look like oriental women, so, that's what they became, I probably have the clothing all wrong, oh well, this is just a lark anyway, I don't usually do things from my head, well, we have a RED show going up in the Tibbits Gallery tomorrow, and I had to come up with something red, well, I did red pears yesterday, so today I decided to try this one, I do have a poinsettia that I'm really thinking about framing tomorrow, I have until 1:00 p.m., so I need to get at it early tomorrow, I enjoyed painting this little painting, and I hope you enjoy it too.

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