Friday, January 6, 2012

Painting #347-1-2 & 3 - Very enthusiastic painting operation today

Well, you probably want to know why 3 paintings today, especially of the same thing. Well, I went shopping today, take a wild guess where, you don't know? I went to Michael's in Battle Creek, you know, that's a danger spot for me, I made the mistake of taking my daughter, I probably would have been ok with my Sister Mel (she went too), but my daughter went looking for art stuff, well, I already bought jewelry stuff, it was on sale, and I had been in the yarn department, a bad place for me to go, but I really meant to stay out of the art department, I already have way too much stuff at home, well, they had some clearance stuff, some little sets of oils, acrylics and watercolor, each one was only $1.99 (originally 9.99), and each set had little easels and 2" panels for painting, each one had 2 easels, the watercolor one had 3 2" panels for each of the 2 easels (very tiny), and 6 tubes of paint and a small brush, well, the brush isn't much, and that will probably go in my discard pile, but the other stuff I'll use in my small travel kit, any way, I thought I would see how those little panels painted up, so I got out the paint and I found this photo that I took almost 30 years ago, and decided to just do a little one to see how this little panel painted, then I thought, I'll see how this looks on the paper, and see the difference, well, then I decided to paint on the 4" x 4" Aquabord, I really got into it, I really got tired and it did take me a bit, after all that shopping and after dinner, to get myself going on the painting. I started these at 10:00 p.m. and finished them at 1:00, I know it's tomorrow, oh well, it was my today. I like all these little paintings and I hope you do too.

This is the 2" painting and the first one I painted.

This is the second one, the 4" x 4-3/4" one on paper.

And, last but not least, the 4" x 4" painting on Aquabord.

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