Monday, April 25, 2011

Painting #91, got another late start

So many things to keep me from painting, but I did get at it, had fun when I finally got there, this painting started out a few weeks ago when I was testing some liquid watercolors, I wet the paper and then just dropped pink and blue and purple randomly over the wet paper, it was wet enough that it pretty well dispersed all over, with some color variations but pretty much one value. I was scanning the photo's again ( Saturday I decided that the bunch of photo's I had in my travel bag was getting boring, that is to say, they seemed like the same old things I've been painting, and I wanted to do something different). So, I found this photo, taken at a workshop, again, this was taken in Hillsdale and at the same Tony Van Hasselt workshop, he also painted this house, but this looks nothing like his, I tend to overwork mine, oh well. Anyway, I decided to give this composition a try, I would certainly like to get as loose as tony, but I'm still working on it.

Over the pink and blue and purple paper, I sketched this house, then I negatively painted the sky and the tree area on the left, I then decided to attempt to put in the shadows to get the form of the house, I tried to do it simply, but I had trouble with this one, so it became very opaque, not the lovely translucent watercolor that I was aiming for, I keep trying, I may get there. I think my problem is that I want it to have good perspective, so I keep messing with it. I should be able to put that brush down once and get out, leave what ever happens. Well, I can't do that yet, maybe someday. Anyway, I decided to put a couple people in it, then for some strange reason, I think that lady on the porch had a baby in her arms, did you find it? It's pretty small, but I like it. So, I just kept going around putting little bits of information here and there until it suited me, the very foreground bushes were just splattered and then, I signed it. So, it's done, I like this little painting and I hope you do too.

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