Sunday, April 17, 2011

Painting #83, warm days are coming

It's a bit windy today, and cool, but the sun is shinning, I'll be glad when it warms up. Today is a lounge day, haven't gotten dressed yet, but will have too soon, have to get groceries, thought since I had this painting done that I wouldn't wait until Midnight to post it, that will probably be tomorrow, I am hoping that's not the way, but, history tells, I do have several in progress, I hope I can get one of them done early.

This photo was taken last summer, our Blue Moon group had a show at Ella Sharp Museum in Jackson, MI last fall and we were all going to try to get a picture of the building or buildings at Ella Sharp painted, well, I didn't make it, but I decided to so this one now, I didn't feel it was a strong enough composition, besides, I had several other paintings that I wanted to make sure got into the show, so I didn't do one, it wasn't a critical point anyway, so, on with this little painting, I enjoyed fine tuning this little sketch, of course, it was started transparently, then I added gouache to pull it together, I did crop it a bit, and I do believe that it improved the composition, well, it is time to get dressed so I will finish this today, I like this little painting, and hope you do too.

1 comment:

  1. Just dropped by again, This is a great painting of a house...Daniel
