Saturday, April 9, 2011

Painting #75, take me away!

I love how these little paintings take me to a new place, I was on the California coast when I was 5 years old, my dad was stationed at one of the Naval bases (don't know the base name, one of them was in San Diego), anyway, they had a party on the ship he was stationed on, there was cake, and lots of people, obviously it wasn't for my birthday, which was at the same time, they were dedicating the ship I think, but I was sure it was birthday cake, I only remember a few things about the short stay we had there, I remember the mumps, also there was a small earth quake, I remember the bed vibrating across the room, and I remember the circus, my mother worked at a small hotel there, the lady that owned it, Mrs. Mack, took my sister and I (to the circus that is), I remember the small courtyard at the hotel, everything was concrete, and I thought that was really strange, coming from a small town like Battle Creek, MI, we had grass and trees, which they didn't have, even then. Anyway, on with the painting.

This is the second composition I've come up with from that same photo, it does overlap a bit, but that's ok. I started with the sky, after I put my usual sky stuff in, I then decided to throw a little cobalt violet at the horizon. I just kept going,I then painted the coast across the small bay,and then went right into the ocean color, which is 3 or4 shades of blue/turquoise, I put in the rock, then made some lighter shapes for the foam in the foreground water, and the beach, such as it is, with the seaweed on it. When that was dry I started at the background (horizon line) and started with the water and made some small wave action and bits of foam, the land was encased in smog or or fog, which ever, and I attempted to get that, the waves just get bigger in the middle and there is one cresting, so I started to pull the white on some of the waves, I did go into the foreground water and tried to make the spaces between the foam a bit darker and some were actually different colors, I put the the sand in and there was water coming over the beach and I attempted to get that effect too. I spattered the rocks and beach area to get that grainy effect, then concentrated on the foam and the waves breaking, I think it works, my neighbor wants to go there and put her feet in the water, must be I got it, I like this little painting, and sure hope you do too.

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