Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Painting #78, floral inspiration

Well, good day to you, having trouble keeping focused lately, too many things going on, hope this settles down soon, staying up too late and dragging butt the next day, well, that's not your problem, you just want to see a painting, well, here it is, today's painting is a small landscape with flowers as a focal point, I could have put more effort into the house in the background, but, it's just that, background, so I decided to play it down, there is such a tangle of stuff going on this this, I did kind of play that down too, anyway, this is on watercolor paper today, again, I don't want all the little landscapes on the clayboard, I am still using the opaques, but painting transparently with them (mostly).

So, the bit of sky was first, laid in wet in wet, oh yes, I did sketch this one a bit, sometimes I don't, but this is one that really required a bit of sketching. The background trees went right in next, wet on dry, then I kind of put the blue in for the morning glories, then put the green around them, then the house shape, and I kind of focused on the house and pulled that together before I tackled the mass of flowers and weeds, after the house was pretty much done, I put the vines on the house and the weeds in front of it, then the boards for the fence, they really were more of an orange color (the one on top), but it really looked strange so I knocked it down a bit. the morning glories were fairly easy (mostly since they are so small), I negatively painted some areas around them then I decided it might be easier to paint the negative spots more effectively if I went in with a lighter (remember these are opaques, you can do that), and made leaf shapes, then I painted some negative spaces behind them, the weeds in the foreground were about the same, I didn't spend as much time with those as I did the morning glories. Well, there you have it, I like this little painting, it was fun, hope you like it too.

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