Thursday, April 7, 2011

Painting # 73, still painting

Finished 2 today, and started a 3rd, but, I'm going away in June for 4 days and I'll need a couple extra, so, you are only gong to get one today.

This is one that I started Sunday (remember, I started 4), it really went well and I believe my Thursday group are waiting to see it on the blogspot (I didn't have it quite done when they left today), had to finish it when I got home. This painting looks really cold to me, most of the group only want me to paint spring or summer scenes now, they are tired of winter, I am to, but, I really enjoy painting winter scenes.

I started by laying a bunch of gray for the tree trunks then wiped in a bunch of dark green for the pines in the background, the gray was a bit purple gray and I laid it over the pine tree color to make certain that it looked like the pines were in the far background, I put in a cool very light blue gray color for the snow on the bank and then laid in the rusty color on the bank, I then mixed up a darker gray/blue color for the water area and added some turquoise blue into it in places to indicate the open water. The open water at the bottom was put in, medium blue for the water, and some purple for the tree reflections, while it was still wet. Then when this was dry, I started to put in some negative spaces in the upper right corner to indicate some lighter sky behind the naked tree branches. I just kept adding the gray/purple color, some lighter and some darker, for the tree trunks, then I moved on to the snow on the bank and when I had that in, I added some trunks pulled down into it so make it look like there were more than one layer of trees. The snow and frozen water were next, I used some purple with lots of white and some blue in spots to indicate that the water was open, and swirled it around then added more white to show that some of it was sticking up a bit and the light was hitting it more. The bottom water was really laid in thickly and charged in with more than one color, darker blue on the left and getting much lighter toward the right, the trees were put in while it was still wet, then I wiggled the brush to make it look like it was shimmery. The really close up skim of ice was just a small hunk of white and very pale blue at the bottom right, this is a wonderful little winter scene, hope you like it, I do.

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