Monday, April 11, 2011

Painting #77, back to basics

I decided, today, that I haven't been using the watercolor paper nearly enough, the clayboard is fun to work on, but, my brain goes into overdrive, since the paint moves so fluidly over the surface I find that I'm investing way too much energy in completing each painting, being 6" should equal speed and I'm really spending more time putting excess detail into these paintings than is necessary (well, maybe, you realize that the detail is the thing that really gets me revved, and I'm not so sure that I can change my approach to these paintings), so, what is the answer? I don't know, I guess we'll just have to see, since I'm having difficulty letting these paintings get too loose, I'll just have to go with the flow, I can't help but think there are others out there that feel like I do about that, I want to loosen up, but I'm having difficulty letting go of that detail, this year may make me or break me, I'm hoping that it isn't the breakage that's happening, right now, I'm struggling with the procrastination, I can't seem to get past waiting until the last minute to get these paintings done, the one good thing, so far, is that I am very diligent about the painting part, well, what ever the answer is, I need to get this blog done today so I can get my papers organized, I wait until the last minute for that too.

I started the sky wet in wet, then jumped in with some violet for the background trees, well, you guessed it, the violet didn't work, so I had to go back into it when it was dry to make it look like far away trees, anyway, the sky was wet in wet and then I just kept going wet on dry, keeping the was going by changing colors, I put the reddish brown in for the building and tank, but it blurred, of course, and the trees on the right, the beehives went in and then green for the grasses, when that was dry, I went back in and defined the building and tank and beehives, I also thought the small grassy trail that lead up to the group of buildings wasn't enough so I decided to put a dirt path in and some puddles (again), I had a bunch of grassy shapes but decided to wash over them, they were too much, I spattered some white and yellow in the brush up by the building, then decided to put in some Queen Anne's lace in the foreground, I do like this painting, and I hope you do too.

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