Monday, February 28, 2011

#35, a little better but not great

Still a bit under the weather, not up to par yet, I'm hoping this will start to clear up soon, I didn't do any classes last week, and I really don't intend on letting it keep me down much longer, tomorrow is the first Class of March and I really need to get it together, I painted today, off and on all day, I did work on a landscape for quite some time, but it's another one of those that takes a bit more brain power than I have at this time, so I decided to keep it pretty simple today, one big flower, well, big is a relative term, 6" isn't big, by any stretch of the imagination. I decided to try another flower on the clayboard, well, I'm not all that certain it's the proper foundation for this painting, I'm thinking I should have tried the watercolor paper this time (again). The way the clayboard works is so alien from my normal painting that I need to attempt to be less worried that the flowers look like the photo, I guess I just plain try too hard to make it match, and there is no way with this support. This one isn't too bad but I think I'll try another one to see if I can get it to turn out a bit smoother (or less blobby), you just can't smooth that stuff out. I do like the outside edges, I really simplified these, and that is exactly the approach I should have taken for the whole thing, there are quite a few layers here, I tried to create the effect of the bright sunshine and the deep shadows, I think it's ok, but not great, will have to give this another try, I may go down and do it now, have to stay up a bit late tonight, not too late, can't work tomorrow if I'm sick, but Hubby had to go to Detroit to pick up a stranded Driver tonight after he worked all day and then went to a part time job and worked, got home just in time to eat supper and before he could think, they called, hope he's careful, got to get going, keep painting, I'm trying.

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