Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 9, landscape again, are you bored yet?

Well, I really intended to do something other than a landscape, but, the landscapes have me just now, I've been enjoying them, so why mess up a good thing.  I did, however, glue some oriental papers down to 6 pieces of the square papers, maybe that will get me moving in a different direction, I do like painting the flowers too,but, like I said, the landscapes have me, for the time being.

I started this one like the others, wet in wet sky, then the background and mid ground unterpainting, I put the sky blue (opaque) with the opaque white again, really like that.  I then mixed up some purple with some orange to get the background tree color and, of course, orange for the middle ground bushes, that was pretty much wet in wet, then I moved into some of the snow area, this is wet on dry but very pale, I then put the water in the ditch, and started with a touch of orange and then sky blue along with some white to get the feel of the water, this is all a first wash but middle value, not a wimpy wash.  If you didn't notice, I am not a wimpy watercolor artist, love that color.  From there it was just to put lots of fine lines, first in the background trees, then the middle ground trees on the side and the small twigs, and, I also went in with some opaque blue on a little brush trying to get that "sky through the trees" look, this is all pretty fine, I know I'm spending way too much time with the details, but I can't stop (yet), so I then start moving into the mass of orange along the side and start pushing back and forth with darker orangy and some middle blue opaque value, moving them like the trees are moving (toward the ditch) and some darker lines too.  I put in the small bunch of trees (or twigs) in the middle of the snow, top of the ditch, first dark and then moving into orange, oh yes, I did put some orange in the background trees too, trying to get the feel of sunlight on the branches, then over the top of that with bits of opaque white.  I did enjoy this painting, I have painted it before, but a 1/2 sheet, but that one was strictly transparent.  The small squares give me a different challenge, and I have been loving the feel of it, but that could change.

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