Saturday, February 26, 2011

33 paintings, still hanging in there

Well, I thought yesterday I was on the mend, not so sure today, been up and down, did finish this one but had it started a few weeks ago, but I couldn't get my brain around anything more difficult today, maybe it's just as well, I keep starting more than I can finish so I do need to finish some of these. Yesterday I hauled all my painting stuff back to the studio, well, in order to get this done, I had to go back to the studio and haul it back to the dining room, at this point, I guess I will keep it here and then I will have no excuse to not paint, ok, on with the painting.

This painting is just a few pears, I set this up, tried several variations but this one seems pretty good, I'm still using the opaques so not too difficult to make alterations, I wasn't very happy with this (probably why I took so long to finish it), I had started it with transparent paint (I started out using those in the beginning), and it was OK but not good, so I really laid in the opaques on this one, those pears have almost been every shape you can imagine, too big, too short, to dull, you name it it was too! So, I started with the red pears, they sure were pretty unappealing, so the pinks went into the highlight area, some a bit towards orange and some toward the cool range, then into the bright red, then the dark areas were with purple added (on the red pears), the green ones were a bit easier with the different shades of greens, warmish (with yellows) and some cool towards the turquoise or bluish green, the shadow areas were with some brown added in and the really dark was the sap green with purple added (some areas almost pure purple). I then jazzed up the shawl (they are laying on a shawl my daughter made me) with some indian red watered down which helped since it is a reddish brown, to go with the pears, I like the way this one turned out now, hope you do to.

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