Friday, February 11, 2011

#18 and the paints are still wet

My today's painting was really painted yesterday, I was so excited with those clayboards that I just couldn't stop, well, probably a good thing, since I didn't finish one today, I did start one though, so tomorrow I will finish it, I did go over there and work, I cut matts again, something I have to do ever couple weeks to keep from getting behind, then I had to figure out how to matt those little clayboards, they are thick enough that you can't just put them on the foam core backing like I've done with the others, so I experimented with ways to fit them into the foam core. I tried to cut a 6" x 6" hole in it to set them down into, it didn't work really well, I did make it work but I still have to come up with a better way of matting them, I may have to align strips between the foam core and the matt, not totally sure what I'm going to do, but I did wear a really sore spot on my thumb from cutting the foam core and the holes, probably will do the strips, will be a whole lot easier on my thumb.

Now, the painting, if you read yesterday's blog, you already know how I painted this one, I did it pretty much the same, although, I think I like this one a tiny weeny bit better (mostly cause it's purple, my favorite), it really looks nice in the matt, even if it was a pain getting them in there, I'm glad I matted them, I am painting all the paintings for this blog thing about 6-1/2" x 6-1/2", well the closest I could get with the clayboard was 6" x 6", I really want to keep them all the same, I'm matting them to 10" x 10", I think it will carry nicely if I manage to get a show to exhibit them in (I'd like to have all 365 lined up in a row, how cool would that be, well, 3 or 4 rows probably, maybe more), I'm already getting a box full, now I will have to go find a few more boxes that are that size to keep them in. Well, have to get going, have some knitting I'd like to finish and I have to make some jewelry for the Open Door Gallery, lots to do and so little time, lol.
Hope you love this painting, I sure do.

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