Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Painting # 30

I'm still sick, probably should have gone to the Dr. but, I always wait until I start getting better and then the Dr. just looks at you and says "and why are you here?", not withstanding, I doubt that the Dr. would be able to help me, unless, it's not just a cold, but a sinusitis, I will go by the end of the week if it doesn't get better. So, on with this one, I will apologize, this painting was started a couple weeks ago, the photo reference was so bad, I had a hard time figuring it out, my friend Susan and I were on a plein air excursion in Kalamazoo last summer, she actually painted this building, it was really cool and I'm not doing it justice at all, her painting is much better, but, it was late in the day and the lighting was really getting sketchy, but I took the picture anyway, I like the shape of the building, but it was so dark, anyway, here is my process, I had to retouch the sky, it was entirely too dark for the darkness of the building, so I took some of that grayed down pink I have and added a touch of blue and more white, and repainted the sky right over the previous layer, some of the blue still shows through and that's ok, I redid part of the tower, I added orange for the highlight as it needed something, the actual building is very dark almost a volcanic color, I don't remember much else, except I added the flag on the left for a pointer and put the sign in, at first I wasn't going to, but I think it needs it. Then I decided to add the car that was parked in front, so, since I'm very tired and I'm very lucky to have gotten this much done, I'm going to call it a night, hope you like this one, it may not be the prettiest but it is a painting, enough said. Goodnight.

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