Sunday, February 27, 2011

Painting 34, best I could do today

I think this painting cold be better, but my brain isn't working properly again, this crappy head cold has me whooped again, not a good day today, I guess, if things don't change, I'll have to break down and go to the Dr., not my favorite. I had this painting started over a month ago, and should have been done a long time ago, but as with yesterday's painting, I didn't care for something in it and couldn't work on it, today, it was the closest to done so I squared my shoulders and worked on it anyway, I started a couple yesterday, but, not much more than the first layers so this is it, I think what the problem with it is that it just has too much stuff, I think it would be more successful if I had zoomed up on the falls and left it at that, but, this happens to be the painting I managed to finish today so here it is. It started out with transparent paint and wet on dry, I had originally left out the bridge, but I think it needed something there so I put it back in, this little falls is a roadside park just outside of Iron Mountain, MI, called Fumee Creek, my husband and I climbed that sandy hill and went back, and back and back, and over and over, and around, there were several falls here and it was very dark back in there, most of my photo's aren't usable for much but just an idea of how it was since the camera didn't function well back there, since then (a trip we took about 7 years ago, they had the falls, way back in, all blocked off, I suppose there had been some damage done by some others and so now it's off limits, I'm grateful for the dim and dark photo's I have now, I did get some where the light showed up the falls better, from the steps they put up, you have already seen some of these, in this blog. Anyway, I am still using my opaques so the bridge was painted with them and bits of this and that, some on the pine tree, so, this is finished, as much as I can manage today, hope you like it, and hope someday you can go there and see this very nice park, love Michigan's Upper Peninsula.

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