Saturday, February 5, 2011

12 days and it's still fun

Today's painting is winter again, one of my favorite subjects to paint, the contrasts just make the compositions sing.

I started with the sky, wet in wet with that opaque blue and then I charged into it with a darker blue at the left side on top and let it fade going down, then the opaque white for the clouds, I'm not as happy with my background trees as I usually am, but they are what they are, a back drop for the focal point, so don't sweat the small stuff, I say.  I painted around the small barn roof with the background trees, then most of the painting is wet on dry, I did swipe the driveway area with water to give some softness for the snow.  I painted this scene many years ago as a triptich (obviously not just this, there were two other parts, this is part of the main section), but it was done in pastel, I've loved this painting, my son-in-law loves this painting, (the original one, of course), so someday maybe he'll get it, we'll see. 

I then wiped out the part of the tree that went across the background trees and let that dry, while that was happening, I painted green for the fir tree and let that dry, then it was just move around the painting putting some weeds in with that orange, grayed down.  The large tree in the center was painted in with orange grayed down with purple and then some dark blue for the shadow on the main trunk, and dark brown for the branches, of course the snow is opaque white, then some snow shadows in the middle ground, I originally had done the shadows while I was doing the pine tree but the color went too green, so I re-did them with the opaque blue, softening some of the edges.  The egg box, of course, was was painted with grayed down orange and the yellowish circle on it was done with naples yellow (that is opaque) , and can you guess what the rest of the junk is?  Well, obviously, one of my favorite things to paint is junk, love it, love it, love it.  So many shapes to play with and now I'll tell you, there's a tarp and an upside down bed springs, did you figure it out?  The color is off a little bit with this one, I couldn't use the flash because it made everything so blue it looked too cold, so I used the one that wasn't as cold but the foreground is warmer than it really is, sorry about that, I forgot to take the camera over to the studio so I had to use the lighting at the main house, not as good.

Well, got to get going, I've neglected my husband a bit today, got to go feed him, I enjoyed this painting, hope you do too.

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