Wednesday, February 9, 2011

16 days, what do you get? Paintings, lol

Well, well, another day, another painting, well, almost 2, I have a few finishing touches to put on the next one, I was supposed to be finishing this one and I got home and, in the process of unpacking some stuff I got from Dick Blick, I unwrapped some 6" x 6" clayboard, well, it is something that I have never painted on before and I just couldn't resist trying something, so out came a flower picture and I started one, well, an hour and 15 min. later I almost have it finished, it's not like the ones I usually do, you can't work on clayboard that way, so you will just have to check back tomorrow to see what I mean, now on with today's painting.

I taught a watercolor class in Sturgis tonight, my class wanted to do Hibiscus, well, my photo's of those are deep in some file system (unknown) so I just decided to do my old stand by, Hollyhocks, oops, I already taught that one time before with a couple of those girls, so, they didn't seem too upset with that, so we painted them again, so I decided to give it a slightly different approach than before.  I just jumped in with a bit of pink, in class I used Opera, but I don't have that on my opaque pallet, I have permanent rose, that's almost as good, and painted all the flowers at once, all the same value, I'm doing this in layers this time so I didn't charge in with others this time.  Anyway, we mixed yellow ochre with yellow green and added a bit of permanent magenta to the mix to gray the yellow green down a bit more so it was sort of olive.  After than we painted in the yellow (ish) centers, I used Cad Yellow deep.  Then I put in some shadows on the flowers with some cobalt and the opera (or permanent rose) so that the flowers that overlapped would be more defined, after the centers were dry we wet around the yellow centers larger than I want the paint to go so it had soft edges, the charged in with a really thick permanent magenta and some Opera, then while that was drying I went in and found the negative areas behind the large leaves and started to define the buds, I didn't get much farther with them but on the painting I did before I kept getting darker with the negative spaces and put some vein lines on the leaves and on the flowers, it doesn't translate as well small as the other one but those are the breaks.  I have to teach in Marshall tomorrow so I'm going to cut this short (or rather shorter than I might) and head to bed, good night, hope you like this one.

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