Monday, August 22, 2011

Painting #210 - Aug 22 - Not a good day for painting again, but, I did paint

Well, we are surely all cleaned out now, glad that's over, but sure didn't get much painting done, slept most of the day, right up until almost 7:00 p.m., I have woken up, and I'm glad that I had a painting started, it took me about an hour to finish this, now I'm hoping that I can get back in gear.

This painting was a free form painting, I just started with wet paper (real paper this time), and thick paint, almost any color will work, and started with a flat brush (mine was about 3/4"), and I twisted and moved it around, then switching colors, left white edges that kind of looked like flower petals, then I splattered some periwinkle blue (that's a dusty blue), and painted some shapes that reminded me of wisteria, then some red for another flower, and so on, I just kept going until I had most of the paper filled, of course on wet paper it was a bit fuzzy, when you are working on wet paper, working with thick paint helps keep it from spreading all over the whole paper, and that is key to actually having definite shapes. Tonight, when I started, I just went in and painted the shadow shapes behind (negative painting), and when that was done, I added a couple more leaves and put in some lineal details on the flowers, I like this little painting, and I sure hope you do too.

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