Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Painting #190 - it's another two for

I decided to paint this same rose on two different surfaces, the first one is painted on the Aquabord, with the opaque watercolors, the second one is painted on watercolor paper (Arches 260, which is slightly heaver than 140#, its the size of the paper, mural), I haven't painted on regular watercolor paper in a while and I thought I would like to see what the difference is. My first impression is that the watercolor paper has more definition, well, I did make the colors stronger on the watercolor paper, technically that was the first one that I finished, but my brain put the number 2 on the watercolor paper and the number 1 on the aquabord, it really doesn't matter, they both have some lovely qualities, I like the one with the watercolor paper a bit better, but that's probably because I was more aggressive with the darker washes, oh well, they both look nice to me.

An open rose is probably the most difficult rose to paint, so many petals, and it's really hard to keep track of them, you will note that these two have similarities but they are not exact, of course that's because I'm human and I can't make that rose exactly like the first one, I started these two paintings in class, and of course I didn't get either one done, but it really wasn't too long to finish them.

I started out with the centers, then I went in with some lavender and added some cream (acually a yellow with white added to it), and let them mingle together, for the petals on the shadow side (the top half), then I changed up the color for the other shadows, to a more golden color, and added some violet to it to gray it down. I then added the hot pink on the edges and some of the petals had spots too, so it is a very unusual rose, if you ask me, but it really does look like the rose I took the photo of, the background is a very dark green, I did let some of the information show on the right side, keeping the left side less (it really was like that in the photo too, I know, I am a slave to the photo), well, that pretty much sums it up, I like these little paintings and I hope you do too.

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