Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Painting #296 - Nov 16 - another busy day

Being so busy, it sure seems to be the way it is lately, I really tried to get this painting done before I had to go shopping with the neighbor, she really wanted to go to Sam's club for some things she couldn't get the last time we went, and I did need to go to Gordon's Foods, so we went shopping, I did start working on this before I went, only I didn't get it totally done, it's not as late though, as I have been, so this is relatively early, it's only 10:30, so I might actually get to bed by Midnight tonight, which would be good since I have to do 3 classes tomorrow, I am usually so tired that I want to zoom home so I can take a 30 min. nap, I would like to not be tired, but since I started this blog operation, I've had a tendency to push the limit with getting these paintings done, I am painting, and that's always good, but I do have a bunch of things that I want to get after, among them is more acrylics and some pastels and also, some oils, and that doesn't mean I want to give up on the watercolor, I just want to do so many things that I know I'll never get them all done, especially if I don't paint everyday, I'm working on my next blog operation, since I am getting close to having this year done, my energy levels aren't as good as they used to be, there was a time when I could produce 3 portraits a week, and still get some paintings done (of course the paintings that weren't portraits I painted at work, I worked in a factory, and on breaks and lunch, when I should have been eating, I painted, of course, I was much skinnier then too), but, that was several years ago though, and I have slowed down, and I'm not equal to that any longer. I feel good about painting everyday, since I got involved with my husband and then married, I haven't painted as much as I should, one of the reasons is that I lost the good factory job (they went bankrupt), and I had to look for another one, and of course, it wasn't first shift like the first one was, this was 3rd shift and I really couldn't get anything done, I couldn't get to my art functions and I really had a hard time working on my art, so my job now, a watercolor and china painting instructor, is so wonderful, it doesn't pay as much but I'm much happier.

My painting for today is the still life that was started several days ago, I wanted to get my painting done early, and since this was already laid out, and the first layer was already applied, I decided to finish it. I do enjoy those still life paintings, the tricky part is the glass bowl, and I do love a challenge, the background was light, and I decided to darken it for drama, and I eliminated a wine glass and one large yellow pear, so, I really like this little painting and I hope you do too.

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