Friday, June 10, 2011

Painting #137 another busy day

I'm beginning to feel as though I never get to just sit, sometimes you just need to relax and watch TV with the husband, for some reason I don't seem to get to the painting until it's time to deal with dinner, and then when that's done, I'd just like to sit sometimes, I guess what I'm saying is that I'm starting to get tired, it's almost been 5 months of painting everyday, my intention was to get painting everyday, and that's working, I said I was going to, so I do, and that's good, but, I wish I could change myself to get the painting done before it's time for my husband to be home (and I'm sure he does too), I'm sure hoping that this instills a drive in me that, so far, is lacking, I really want to do this, and I really don't know why I can't make myself get to it sooner, I'm a last minute kind of girl and I guess that's so instilled that I can't change it, and the heck of it is, I really want to do this.

I have a paint out tomorrow, I will be spending the day with friends, and when I do that, I know I'll paint, I'm hoping that the rain holds off until after 3:00 p.m., that's when it ends, and I'm hoping that I can get a couple done, I'm still trying to get a few ahead, haven't managed it so far, I'm leaving next week-end to go to Minnesota for a family wedding.

This painting was done the usual way, the sky was first and then the ground and house and the trees were last, although I belatedly decided to add the moon in this one, so I scrubbed out the area behind the tree (I wanted the branches to come across it, of course, since I scrubbed it out, it still looked blue, so I added the opaque white to crisp it up and make it look like a moon, then the branches went back in and I added the leaves after that. I originally had the house a pink color, then decided to make it purple, and that didn't work either, so I added the white back into it and then it made me happier, I put the shingles in and then added blue on top of that, then the foreground was splattered (the splatters were too small), so I added bits of color with the brush, then the stems and so on in the very front, I like this little painting, and sure hope you do too.

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