Saturday, April 2, 2011

Painting #68, it's been a long day

Saturday is supposed to be relaxing, not so today, trying to get some stuff done on the computer. The Blue Moon Art Group is trying to get applications and pictures of paintings ready to apply for a residency, not known yet even if we will be accepted, but it sure would be a feather in our hats, still have lots of stuff to do, mostly getting the pictures together to take to the copy place to get very nice copies, then it's upgrade my art resume and also, need to finish updating my web site, I have let it sit the way it was when I first set it up, and I surely have painted a whole bunch of pictures that are not on there, so it will be a good thing, all be it a lengthy operation, one I'd rather not do, but, oh well, someone has to, and since I don't pay anyone to do it for me, guess who gets to do that now.

Well, I did have a very good start on this painting this morning before I got side tracked, then had to fix supper, and got tired (I always get tired when I eat), and so I didn't get to finish this until late, as I just finished it. I decided to try another barn painting, I liked how this one had a building going off on both sides of the picture, I also decided to use those liquid watercolors again to see how they reacted to the clayboard, not bad, I'm fairly happy with them except I need to contact Dr. PH Martin to let him know that I'm not happy with the sepia, it's really watery and doesn't have any pigment to speak of, all the other colors seem to be just fine. I did utilize the white with them, so this is really an opaque watercolor (as soon as you add white, they become opaque).

I like the way the clouds and sky looked in this one, kind of swirly, using this clayboard, you have to get used to that when you add a bunch of water, it just puddles. I painted the sky sort of a purple/blue/gray with white, then charged in with the the blue that's sort of green (I'd spell it but I'm not with the paints just now, oops, no brains, pthalo I think), anyway, I waited for that to dry, then added the roof lines in and the barn shapes, then charged in with green for the grass, this grass was difficult, it, obviously, hadn't ever been cut, so the weeds were very tall and dry so they had lots of patches of beige, very difficult for me to accomplish, so this is the best I could do with that, after layers and layers of over-lapping colors, then I decided to put in a wheel track with a mud puddle, since I didn't have one to go by, I tried to imagine what it might look like, does it work? So, then I put in the trees between the buildings and the telephone pole, I was going to go ahead and put in the wire but then decided that it would be on top of all the rest so I waited until last, I do like this painting now, hope you do too.

1 comment:

  1. Vivian,
    One of my favorites. I could get a lawn chair and just sit and look!
