Friday, February 4, 2011

11th day, I think it's amazing

All in all, I am painting, since that was the primary reason to do this blog and pin myself down to painting everyday, it's good, even though I'm not doing much else yet, there is always hope (but don't hold your breath, you could suffocate, lol).

It's still landscapes, although I did paint on some collage paper today (remember I told you the other day that I collaged some oriental papers down to some watercolor paper), the collage paper really helps when you are painting rocks, since the paper edges can help when painting thin layers over the paper, they just almost paint themselves.  I did paint in some gesso for the little falls and the trickles of water, and since I had my opaques out, I used them again, this seems to be becoming a habit.  anyway, I started out with thin washes, mixing the colors on the paper, trying not to get to thick with the paint since it is opaque, I added some greens in here and there since the rocks had some alge or moss growing on them, the rock colors were burnt sienna, yellow ochre, thalo blue, cobalt blue, and, of course, purple, and white, remember, thin.  then I went back in and started to shapes the rocks, a bit of scumbling to give the rocks some texture, the little specks you see on some of the rocks is in the paper, kind of cool, don't you think?  Well, to make this a bit short, very tired tonight, I just kept going in and darkening the rocks, adding blue on some of the rocks to cool them down, and some brown and yellow ochre on some to warm them up, and I kept darkening the shadows until I got almost black, that is with blue and burnt sienna, I seldom use black, once in a while but not often.  I got into the yellow ochre and some yellow green for the foliage on the trees on the left and I painted blue and purple back over the dried gesso to make some shadows on the little falls, I did go into that more than just once, I did it until I was happy with the way it looks, so now I like it.  This is the second time that I painted this painting, this one is much smaller than the first and I painted the first on the watercolor canvas, that was different, a unique style for me.  So this is finished and I like it, hope you do to.

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